Monday, July 1, 2013

The Cabin In The Woods Cabin Is Gonna Exist And It Sounds Terrifying

The Cabin In The Woods Cabin Is Gonna Exist And It Sounds Terrifying

If you didn't see Cabin In The Woods that was stupid of you. It's really great. Scary, meta and pretty gutsy. And like all good things, well okay like all things, its brilliance is being exploited for a theme park attraction. But it sounds awesome. Some sort-of-not-really spoilers ahead.

Universal Orlando is adding the cabin as part of its 23rd annual Halloween Horror Nights event, which runs on and off from the end of September until November 2. Visitors do a walk through of the cabin, the Facility, and the cube cells and there's more background on the mythology surrounding the movie. Michael Aiello from Universal says:

We are building the cabin completely. You?re going to walk through a forest to get there. You?re going into the cabin. You?re going to go into the cube cells. We?re literally taking everything we can in the film and giving you a kind of best-of montage of the film with this kind of linking story. You?re going to be in the control room when merman attacks.

Creepy, fascinating and terrifying. Sounds pretty much perfect. [The Mary Sue, Zap2It]


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