Friday, February 1, 2013

New York State: Gun bill knocks GOP support for New York's Cuomo; most republicans say gun bill went too far

January 30, 2013 - Gun Bill Knocks GOP Support For New York's Cuomo, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Most Republicans Say Gun Bill Went Too Far
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Republican disapproval of New York's tough new gun-control law could be taking a toll on Gov. Andrew Cuomo, whose all-time high 74 - 13 percent job approval rating last month drops to a still-solid 59 - 28 percent in a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

Voters in non-gun homes approve of the governor 68 - 19 percent. Voters in households with a gun disapprove 50 - 40 percent. Republican approval of the governor, 68 - 18 percent in a survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University on December 12, just two days before the Newtown massacre, is a split 44 - 43 percent today. Democratic support, 82 - 9 percent in December, is 74 - 14 percent today. Approval by independent voters drops from 70 - 12 percent to 54 - 32 percent. Women approve of Gov. Cuomo 64 - 23 percent, down from 73 - 12 percent. Men approve 54 - 33 percent, down from 74 - 14 percent. The gun-control package signed by Gov. Cuomo this month goes "too far' in restricting gun owners' rights, 34 percent of all voters, including 59 percent of Republicans, say. The gun- control measure does not go far enough in protecting public safety, 30 percent of all voters, including 17 percent of Republicans, say. The measure is "about right," 30 percent of all voters, including 20 percent of Republicans, say. "With approval ratings that consistently topped 70 percent, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had the political capital to spend when he set out to pass the toughest gun control laws in the nation," said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. "It is possible that the gun law cost him some of that political capital, but a 2-1 job approval rating still makes him the envy of most governors." "Is Gov. Cuomo's honeymoon with Republicans over, or is this just a spat that can be patched up in the months ahead?' Carroll asked. "Cuomo lost some Republican support after the 2011 same-sex marriage bill, but he got it back." By a 4-1 margin, New York State voters support the new requirement that mental health professionals report patients whom they believe are a threat to themselves or others so police can confiscate any weapons the patient owns:
  • 76 percent support the measure;
  • 19 percent are opposed.
Support is higher among Democrats, 83 - 12 percent, than among Republicans, 71 - 24 percent. Independent voter support the mental health measure 71 - 23 percent. Support among voters in gun households is 72 - 23 percent. Voters reject 56 - 32 percent the argument that fewer mentally ill people will seek help because of this measure. "Perhaps the most controversial measure in New York State's new package of gun laws, the mental health provision wins strong support and seems to put Democrats and Republicans in an interesting role reversal on law and order vs. civil rights," Carroll said. Stricter gun laws will do more to reduce gun violence in schools than armed guards, New York State voters say 48 - 40 percent. By a 46 - 22 percent margin, voters have an unfavorable opinion of the leadership of the National Rifle Assn. Job approval ratings are down slightly for other leaders:
  • Voters approve 57 - 39 percent of the job President Barack Obama is doing, down from 62 - 35 percent December 12;
  • Sen. Charles Schumer gets a 60 - 30 percent job score, down from 63 - 23 percent;
  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has a 57 - 21 percent score, down from 61 - 18 percent, her highest ever.
From January 23 - 28, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,127 New York State voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.9 percentage points. Live interviewers call land lines and cell phones. The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia and the nation as a public service and for research. For more information or RSS feed, visit, or call (203) 582-5201, or follow us on Twitter. 1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Andrew Cuomo is handling his job as Governor?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
 Approve              59%    44%    74%    54%    54%    64%    59%    63%
 Disapprove           28     43     14     32     33     23     29     19
 DK/NA                13     13     12     14     12     13     12     18
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Approve              70%    53%    56%    60%    65%    54%    59%    63%
 Disapprove           21     32     28     29     27     30     30     24
 DK/NA                 9     15     17     11      7     17     10     13
                      AREA.............    DENSITY............  GUN HSHOLD  HvKds
                      UpStat NYC    Sub    Urban  Suburb Rural  Yes    No   PbSch
 Approve              51%    66%    64%    65%    62%    45%    40%    68%    56%
 Disapprove           37     21     23     20     27     44     50     19     31
 DK/NA                12     13     14     15     11     10     10     13     13
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Andrew Cuomo is handling his job as Governor?

                                                              High    Low
                      Jan 30  Dec 12  Sep 12  Jul 25  May 30  Dec 12  Feb 23
                      2013    2012    2012    2012    2012    2012    2011
 Approve              59      74      70      73      71      74      56
 Disapprove           28      13      16      16      16      13      15
 DK/NA                13      13      14      12      13      13      29
2. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Charles Schumer is handling his job as United States Senator?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
 Approve              60%    39%    79%    53%    53%    66%    58%    71%
 Disapprove           30     53     12     35     37     24     33     12
 DK/NA                10      8      9     12     10     10      9     16
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Approve              69%    54%    53%    65%    67%    60%    58%    63%
 Disapprove           25     33     32     29     27     26     31     29
 DK/NA                 6     12     15      6      6     14     11      8
                      AREA.............    DENSITY............  GUN HSHOLD  HvKds
                      UpStat NYC    Sub    Urban  Suburb Rural  Yes    No   PbSch
 Approve              53%    65%    63%    65%    60%    52%    46%    66%    59%
 Disapprove           35     26     28     25     32     38     45     24     30
 DK/NA                12      9      9     11      9     10      9     10     11
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Charles Schumer is handling his job as United States Senator? (*High also 69% Oct 2001)

                                                              High    Low
                      Jan 30  Dec 12  Sep 12  Jul 25  May 30  Dec 08  Apr 15
                      2013    2012    2012    2012    2012    2004*   1999
 Approve              60      63      62      61      64      69      51
 Disapprove           30      23      25      25      26      16      22
 DK/NA                10      15      13      14      10      15      28
3. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Kirsten Gillibrand is handling her job as United States Senator?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
 Approve              57%    41%    73%    52%    53%    61%    56%    72%
 Disapprove           21     38      6     27     26     16     25      5
 DK/NA                22     21     22     21     20     23     19     23
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Approve              63%    54%    55%    59%    63%    53%    60%    59%
 Disapprove           21     21     16     23     25     17     24     20
 DK/NA                16     25     29     19     12     30     15     21
                      AREA.............    DENSITY............  GUN HSHOLD  HvKds
                      UpStat NYC    Sub    Urban  Suburb Rural  Yes    No   PbSch
 Approve              50%    63%    61%    63%    56%    49%    50%    62%    52%
 Disapprove           27     15     21     15     24     29     28     17     23
 DK/NA                23     22     18     22     20     23     23     21     25
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Kirsten Gillibrand is handling her job as United States Senator?

                                                              High    Low
                      Jan 30  Dec 12  Jul 25  May 30  Apr 05  Dec 12  Feb 17
                      2013    2012    2012    2012    2012    2012    2009
 Approve              57      61      54      60      60      61      28
 Disapprove           21      18      20      22      21      18      10
 DK/NA                22      21      26      18      19      21      62
4. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
 Approve              57%    17%    90%    43%    49%    64%    48%    89%
 Disapprove           39     82      8     48     47     32     48      6
 DK/NA                 4      1      2      9      4      4      3      6
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Approve              66%    52%    57%    59%    56%    60%    58%    56%
 Disapprove           33     43     38     38     43     34     40     40
 DK/NA                 2      5      6      4      2      6      2      4
                      AREA.............    DENSITY............  GUN HSHOLD  HvKds
                      UpStat NYC    Sub    Urban  Suburb Rural  Yes    No   PbSch
 Approve              46%    71%    53%    71%    53%    39%    33%    67%    58%
 Disapprove           50     25     42     23     44     60     64     29     40
 DK/NA                 4      4      4      6      3      1      3      4      2
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President?

                                                              High    Low
                      Jan 30  Dec 12  Jul 25  May 31  Apr 05  Feb 19  Aug 12
                      2013    2012    2012    2012    2012    2009    2011
 Approve              57      62      57      58      56      72      45
 Disapprove           39      35      38      39      38      17      49
 DK/NA                 4       3       5       3       6      10       6
5. Do you approve or disapprove of the way the state legislature is handling its job?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
 Approve              32%    24%    41%    28%    31%    33%    29%    44%
 Disapprove           50     64     37     56     55     46     55     33
 DK/NA                18     12     22     16     14     21     16     23
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Approve              37%    30%    34%    31%    33%    41%    29%    32%
 Disapprove           49     51     44     52     57     36     58     49
 DK/NA                14     20     22     16     10     23     13     19
                      AREA.............    DENSITY............  GUN HSHOLD  HvKds
                      UpStat NYC    Sub    Urban  Suburb Rural  Yes    No   PbSch
 Approve              27%    37%    35%    36%    33%    25%    23%    37%    27%
 Disapprove           60     43     43     43     51     64     65     43     61
 DK/NA                13     21     21     21     16     11     12     20     12
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way the state legislature is handling its job?

                                                              High    Low
                      Jan 30  Dec 12  Sep 12  Jul 26  Feb 15  Dec 12  Sep 01
                      2013    2012    2012    2012    2012    2012    2010
 Approve              32      35      34      31      29      35      15
 Disapprove           50      46      50      51      58      46      75
 DK/NA                18      18      15      18      13      18       9
11. Based on what you've heard or read about the changes to gun laws that Governor Cuomo and lawmakers agreed on, do you think these changes go too far in terms of restricting the rights of gun owners, or not far enough in terms of protecting public safety, or are the changes about right?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
 Too far              34%    59%    12%    44%    44%    24%    40%    16%
 Not far enough       30     17     41     24     25     34     26     44
 About right          30     20     40     26     26     34     29     39
 DK/NA                 6      5      7      6      5      7      5      2
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Too far              21%    42%    37%    37%    26%    38%    35%    30%
 Not far enough       35     27     29     25     36     24     33     31
 About right          40     25     26     34     34     29     27     34
 DK/NA                 4      7      8      4      4      9      5      5
                      AREA.............    DENSITY............  GUN HSHOLD  HvKds
                      UpStat NYC    Sub    Urban  Suburb Rural  Yes    No   PbSch
 Too far              51%    19%    28%    19%    35%    58%    61%    23%    35%
 Not far enough       17     43     32     39     29     17     12     37     31
 About right          27     31     35     34     32     21     23     34     27
 DK/NA                 5      7      5      8      4      4      4      6      7
12. As you may know, one of the state's new gun laws requires mental-health professionals to report patients who they believe to be a threat to themselves or to others. Law enforcement could then confiscate any firearm owned by the patient. Supporters say this law is necessary to protect public safety. Opponents say this law violates the civil rights of the mentally ill. Do you support or oppose this new law?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
 Support              76%    71%    83%    71%    70%    81%    77%    84%
 Oppose               19     24     12     23     24     14     17     16
 DK/NA                 6      6      5      6      6      5      6      -
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Support              79%    74%    71%    81%    83%    71%    79%    76%
 Oppose               16     20     21     17     13     21     18     18
 DK/NA                 5      6      8      2      4      8      4      5
                      AREA.............    DENSITY............  GUN HSHOLD  HvKds
                      UpStat NYC    Sub    Urban  Suburb Rural  Yes    No   PbSch
 Support              74%    75%    80%    75%    80%    68%    72%    79%    79%
 Oppose               21     19     15     19     15     27     23     15     15
 DK/NA                 5      6      5      7      5      6      5      5      6
13. Do you think because of this measure fewer mentally ill people will seek help?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
 Yes, fewer will
  seek help           32%    34%    31%    33%    35%    30%    30%    34%
 No                   56     56     58     57     56     57     59     56
 DK/NA                11     10     11     10      9     14     11     10
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Yes, fewer will
  seek help           24%    38%    35%    32%    27%    39%    33%    29%
 No                   68     50     54     57     65     51     60     56
 DK/NA                 8     13     11     11      7     10      7     15
                      AREA.............    DENSITY............  GUN HSHOLD  HvKds
                      UpStat NYC    Sub    Urban  Suburb Rural  Yes    No   PbSch
 Yes, fewer will
  seek help           36%    29%    31%    30%    31%    41%    41%    30%    34%
 No                   52     60     59     61     57     47     51     59     60
 DK/NA                12     11      9     10     12     12      8     12      6
14. Which of these do you think would do more to reduce gun violence in schools, having stricter gun laws or armed guards in schools?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
 Stricter gun laws    48%    24%    72%    36%    39%    57%    43%    65%
 Armed guards         40     61     20     49     48     33     44     29
 DK/NA                12     14      8     15     13     10     12      6
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Stricter gun laws    61%    41%    44%    46%    59%    40%    49%    52%
 Armed guards         29     47     43     42     35     50     40     35
 DK/NA                10     12     13     12      7     10     11     12
                      AREA.............    DENSITY............  GUN HSHOLD  HvKds
                      UpStat NYC    Sub    Urban  Suburb Rural  Yes    No   PbSch
 Stricter gun laws    34%    62%    50%    59%    49%    27%    24%    58%    42%
 Armed guards         51     28     39     30     41     60     60     31     47
 DK/NA                15      9     10     11     10     13     15     10     11
15. Is your opinion of the leadership of the National Rifle Association favorable, unfavorable, or haven't you heard enough about it?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
 Favorable            22%    42%     5%    27%    30%    14%    26%     8%
 Unfavorable          46     23     61     44     43     49     49     43
 Hvn't hrd enough     30     33     32     27     25     35     24     48
 REFUSED               2      2      1      2      2      2      2      1
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Favorable            17%    25%    23%    22%    22%    18%    24%    22%
 Unfavorable          67     34     35     49     58     33     47     51
 Hvn't hrd enough     16     39     40     28     20     48     27     25
 REFUSED               1      2      2      1      -      -      2      2
                      AREA.............    DENSITY............  GUN HSHOLD  HvKds
                      UpStat NYC    Sub    Urban  Suburb Rural  Yes    No   PbSch
 Favorable            29%    14%    22%    15%    24%    33%    45%    12%    24%
 Unfavorable          37     51     54     50     52     27     26     54     35
 Hvn't hrd enough     31     34     23     33     24     37     27     32     39
 REFUSED               3      1      1      2      1      3      2      1      1

Demographic Summary


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