Thursday, September 27, 2012

Live Well Omaha ? Blog Archive ? Celebrate Health on the 29th!

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by Live Well

Have plans Saturday? Saturday, September 29 is a day to celebrate health! Family Health & Fitness Day USA? and World Heart Day happen to fall on the same day this year.

Family Health & Fitness Day USA? promotes family involvement in physical activity. Take the day to celebrate a healthy lifestyle with your family with healthy activities for everyone to enjoy.

World Heart Day and the World Heart Federation are spending Saturday raising awareness about being heart healthy. It is a proven fact that if main risk factors are controlled ? tobacco, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity ? serious health problems can be avoided.

Across the nation, organizations will be celebrating this day by sponsoring walks and runs, health screenings or workshops. Find an activity in your neighborhood ? or create one!

The benefits to a healthy lifestyle are endless ? how is your family going to celebrate this double dose of healthy happenings?

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by Live Well

It?s already partway through September, but it?s not too late to kick your school year off to a healthy start! Here are just a few tips to add to your healthy routines:

  • Walk or bike to school. Take advantage of the weather before the snow sweeps in and find a safe and healthy routes to school.
  • Stay active. Don?t limit your child?s physical activity to school recess. Find ways to move before and after school. Go for a morning walk, go to the park after school or go for an evening bike ride.?
  • Snack healthy. Share healthy (but fun) snacks with your children after school. Need creative ideas? Check out these from Pinterest! Also, find how to access healthy food throughout the community to share with your family here.

How are you and your family staying healthy? Share your ideas with us! Make this school year the best (and healthiest) yet!

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by Live Well

This guest blog contribution is from Brandon Serna with Ticket Express, a local Omaha ticketing source for concerts, events and Husker football tickets.

Even if you only go to a few sporting events per year, they can really wreak havoc on your healthy lifestyle. People often assume that unhealthy fare is the only option, but that?s not always the case. Besides, there are ways to avoid the temptation of gooey nachos and foot-long hot dogs. If you do indulge, you can do so without going overboard. In the case of children?s sporting events, bringing a cooler that?s stocked with water, fruits and veggies shouldn?t be a problem. Professional sporting events are a whole other story. Pick up a few terrific tips for eating well at sporting events below.

Avoid Falling Off the Healthy-Living Wagon at Sporting Events with These Tips?

Eat a Healthy Meal before You Leave?- When hunger strikes, resisting fatty, greasy, calorie-laden foods is a lot more difficult. Therefore, you should never arrive at a sporting event with an empty stomach. Sit down and enjoy a healthy lunch or dinner before heading out the door. You?ll thank yourself later.

Ditch the Carbs in Favor of Protein-Rich Foods?- If you?d like to treat yourself to a hamburger or hot dog during the game, you can mitigate the damage by either ditching the bun entirely or by only eating half a bun.

Go Easy on the Condiments?- Do you really need an extra serving of cheese with those nachos? By using condiments as sparingly as possible, you?ll be able to consume a lot fewer calories during the game. Besides, condiments are messy. If you?d like to walk out of the game without everyone knowing what you had to eat, try to steer clear of them as much as you can.

Split a Snack with Someone Else?- Portion sizes are notoriously huge at sporting events. Why not share something with another person? The only issue here is that you both have to agree on one thing. However, you?ll both benefit by sharing one massive snack. The odds of either of you still being hungry after tackling that enormous plate of nachos are extremely slim.

Bring the Right People?- If you?re determined not to ruin your diet during the game, be careful about who you bring along. By attending the game with health-conscious people, you?ll be less likely to be surrounded by bad choices. For instance, if you snag the perfect seats for the next Huskers game, think long and hard about who to invite. Do you really want that healthy friend or relative to see you chowing down on a foot-long hot dog that?s laden with all the fixings?

Avoid Extra-Large Souvenir Cups?- Sure, souvenir cups are a lot of fun. How many do you really need though? Furthermore, they are only offered in truly gargantuan sizes. Whether it?s filled with beer or soda, a single souvenir cup is sure to contain several hundred calories? worth of liquid. If it?s sitting right in front of you, you?re more likely to consume it too.

Limit Your Alcohol Intake?- It?s smart to limit the amount of alcohol you consume during the sporting event for many reasons. When you consider how many calories are in the average cup of beer, being more conservative about how much you drink should be a lot easier. Plan on having no more than two drinks during the game.

Try a Restaurant at the Venue?- Many modern stadiums and arenas have actual sit-down restaurants. By arriving early, you can sit down and enjoy a much healthier meal right before the game starts. At a regular restaurant, you should be able to take your pick from many reasonably healthy options. When the game starts, you?ll be nice and full, so you won?t be tempted to indulge in unhealthy snacks.

By making the right choices and planning ahead, you can leave the stadium without having to undo the button of your pants. You can also breathe easy in the knowledge that you haven?t totally ruined your healthy diet, which feels pretty good too.

Click here to read information about our guest bloggers.

by Live Well

We know that childcare providers are nice people; they cut the crust off of toast and teach kids how to wait in line. Did you know that they help shape behaviors of children that last for a lifetime? Studies show that early childhood is one of the best times to teach children healthy eating and physical activity habits that will influence how they live into adulthood. One group of childcare owners and teachers are challenging themselves to create a place where children have a chance to practice healthy habits. Live Well Omaha Kids (LWOK) is helping these centers look at how they promote good nutrition and physical activity for their children, and how they can maximize the healthy options available to children.

LWOK does this by offering a free program called the NAP SACC (Nutrition and Physical Activity Self Assessment for Child Care) Learning Collaborative, giving child care providers incentives and time away from the center to plan for and make lasting, healthy changes.

Here are some examples of the terrific work going on at participating centers:

  • Alegent Health Child Development Centers are creating a change to require structured physical activity every day for every age group.
  • Aunt Rhonda?s Daycare Center is starting weekly lessons to educate kids and staff about healthy eating.
  • Buzy Kidz Learning Center is introducing new foods by having kids sample and select different cultural dishes for their weekly menus.

If you are a parent or child care provider interested in helping a childcare center make healthy changes that give kids the healthiest start, contact Kelly Bouxsein at or 410-925-3665. The next series of workshops starts in September.

Click here to read information about our guest bloggers.

by Live Well

Don?t you feel like summer is the best time to pick up books you?ve been thinking about but haven?t had time to read? Summer reading is often thought of easy, light reading, but there?s no reason not to incorporate some useful ideas into the pleasure of your summer reading!

Here are two great reads to add to your summer reading list, courtesy of your friends at Live Well Omaha:

Food Rules: An Eater?s Manual by Michael Pollan
This little book has been floating around since 2009 but it still feels fresh and relevant. It?s only 140 pages but most of them are simply headlines and drawings, which makes this a book you can read with many interruptions at the pool or during an afternoon in your hammock. Pollan?s straightforward and charming ?instructions? will stay with you. Be sure to pass it on!

Bicycle Diaries by David Byrne
David Byrne (yes, that David Byrne) has been riding a bike as his principal means of transportation in New York City for nearly 30 years. After discovering folding bikes, he expanded his ability to gain insight and understanding of the places he visits while on tour by taking his bike with him.

Bicycle Diaries is an account of what he observes and the people he meets as he pedals through cities around the globe. His topics range from world music, urban planning, fashion and architecture to cultural dislocation and the roots of our creative process. It?s a great summer selection because it makes you want to hop on your bike and explore your own corner of the world.

Do you have any inspiring summer reading recommendations we should add to our Live Well Omaha summer reading list? We?d love to hear about it.

Click here to read information about our guest bloggers.

by Live Well

We know the causes of obesity are more complex and involve more factors than not eating healthy or exercising.

The Institute of Medicine shares a graphic of beneficial statistics and areas of improvement to help us see possible solutions. These key areas include ? physical activity, food and beverages, marketing, healthcare and workplace, and schools ? Live Well Omaha, the Douglas County Health Department and our collaborating partners have been focusing our efforts in these areas.

How can we jump start our nation into a healthy trend? The graphic shares five solutions for improving our community?s health ?

  1. Integrate physical activity every day in every way.
  2. Market what matters for a healthy life.
  3. Strengthen schools as the heart of health.
  4. Activate employers and health care professionals.
  5. Make healthy foods available everywhere.

Spend some time with the graphic below for more information and statistics. What can we do together to make the healthy choice the easy choice? Share your ideas with us and joining the conversations on Facebook, Twitter or consider joining Live Well Omaha and help us build a healthier community!

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by Live Well

College baseball in June is an Omaha tradition. Activate Omaha and Omaha Bikes invite you to start a new tradition and Bike to the Ballpark! Ride your bicycle to the games and enjoy a worry-free series without parking fees and traffic.

Make the healthy choice the easy choice and take advantage of this opportunity ? the benefits are endless! Here are five reasons to hop on that bike:

  1. Prime bike parking will be available very close to the stadium for free or a small donation to Omaha Bikes.
  2. More flexibility ? no need to go from one parking spot to another if you?re headed to the Old Market or other post-game destinations.
  3. No need to worry about a lock because volunteers will watch the bicycles.
  4. Ride straight from your home or save money by parking your car several blocks away and ride the rest of the way.
  5. It?s more fun!

Everybody benefits: when you bike, roads and parking structures are less congested making it safer for pedestrians, more parking is available for cars, and there is less air and noise pollution.

Make your trek to the series healthy, easy and enjoyable. A biker?s bliss!

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by Live Well

Being active is a big part of a healthy lifestyle, and forming the habit early in life helps us stay that way ? that?s why families who want to be healthy often find it best to do something fun and energetic together.? But in the middle of winter, it can be hard to find the space and opportunity to get moving.

Last Saturday was a rare and fun exception.? As I drove into the UNO campus for the Get Your Family Movin? event, I was amazed to see sidewalks filled with parents and children heading to the recreation center.?? But the real surprise came when I entered the building and saw a hallway and gym abuzz with children and adults having fun!? As I strolled through the display tables I learned about active opportunities for children and families and experienced a variety of healthy food choices.? The air was filled with laughter and shouts of enthusiasm, and a peek inside the gym clearly showed why: children of all sizes, from toddlers to teens, were busy being active while parents acted as coaches and fans.? The obstacle course proved to be a fun challenge for the shortest members of the crowd as they zigzagged through running courses and jumped over hurdles.

As I crossed the room, I heard the delightful squeals of kids bouncing up, down and around inside the inflatable bounce house.? Parents and children played with hula hoops, threw footballs, learned a dance routine, or even spun plates with the professional jugglers.? The former Husker stars that came to sign autographs were quickly drawn into play with their youngest fans.? The only thing interrupting the fun was the occasional voice on the loud speaker announcing winning raffle ticket numbers for the day?s prizes.? And if a child ever got hungry during their romp, they could head to one of the display tables to have a healthy snack!

What I saw on Saturday was a community working together to make physical activity fun.? This was a place and time where parents had the opportunity to see fun ways to be healthy and share the joy of being active with their children.? In a community where more than a quarter of our children are obese and only a third of us find a way to be physically active on a regular basis, opportunities like these help us all build active lives and change those statistics.? I hope everyone who attended learned at least one easy way to be more active, make wholesome food choices, and live a healthy, fun-filled life!

Posted by Mary Balluff. Mary is Chief of Community Health and Nutrition Services at Douglas County Health Department and leads Douglas County Putting Prevention to Work with Live Well Omaha.?

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by Joanna Sutter

Making positive adjustments isn?t always easy, especially when you?re trying to do it by yourself. That?s why Partners for a Healthy City was formed. Together we?ve made a special commitment to help create a healthier city by making healthy eating and active living options available in everyday environments. This community-wide effort aims to increase opportunities for better health by putting the focus on prevention?and to help all of us make the healthy choice, at any time and in any place.

More than 350 organizations across the city have signed on to participate in this initiative by becoming a Partner for a Healthy City. Together, Omaha-based businesses, nonprofits, schools, faith-based and community organizations are enacting policies to support active lifestyles and healthy food choices. Their individual efforts, like installing bike racks, holding walking-instead-of-sitting meetings and offering healthy onsite meal options, are adding up to make a big difference.

We?re counting on you to support our initiatives and to spread the word about healthy living. Learn more at

Look who?s making healthy happen?

Abante Marketing
Aflac, Incorporated
African American Empowerment Network
African American Empowerment Network Health and Healthy Families Committee
Alegent Health Benson Clinic
Alegent Health
Alegent Health ? Immanuel Child Development Center
Alegent Health Clinic located at Maple Hills
Alegent Health Clinic located at 50th & L
Alegent Health Clinic located at 8141 West Center Road
Alegent Health Clinic located at 144th & Eagle Run Drive
Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church
Ally Insurance Brokers of Omaha
American Lung Association
Andrea Maleki, State Farm
Angel?s Childcare
Antioch Baptist church
Anytime Fitness L Street Marketplace
Aon Risk Services
Assembly Of The Saints
Associated Engineering, Inc
Baird Holm Law Firm
Baptist Pastors and Ministers Council
Baptist Pastors and Ministers Wives Council
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church Grover
Bendicion church
Bentley Apartments
Beth Israel Synagogue
Bethany Lutheran Church
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
Blossoms Apartments
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska
B-N-C Retail Goods Market
Bob Beck?s Barbery
Boy Scouts of America
Boys and Girls Club of the Midlands
Boys Town- Bergan
Boys Town Institute for Child Health Improvement
Boys Town-88th Street
Boys Town-Lakeside
Boys Town-Pacific St
Briarwood Apartments
Broadmoor at Askarben Village
Broadmoor Hills Apartments
Brownell Talbot School
C & A Industries
CAS, Inc.
Centro comercial El Sol
Charles Drew Health Center
Children?s-Eagle Run
Children?s-Mission Village
Children?s-Spring Valley
Children?s-West Village Point
Church Of The Resurrection
City of Omaha ? Mayor?s Office
Clair Memorial United Methodist Church
CMA Neurology
Comfort Inn Southwest
Community Bike Project Omaha
Community Covenant Church
Community of Grace
Complete Nutrition Inc
Completely Nourished
Confia Insurance Agency L.L.C
Creighton Medical Associates- Cardiology
Creighton Medical Associates- Laboratories
Creighton Medical Associates- Laboratories
Creighton Medical Associates- Orthopedics
Creighton Medical Associates- Orthopedics
Creighton Medical Associates- Pediatrics
Creighton Medical Associates- Psychiatry Office
Creighton Medical Associates- Pulmonary
Creighton Medical Associates-Dundee/Central Clinic
Creighton Medical Associates-Eagle Run/ Northwest
Creighton Medical Associates-Internal Medicine
Creighton Medical Associates-John Galt/Southwest
Creighton Medical Associates-Old Market/ Downtown
Creighton Medical Associates-Surgery
Creighton Preparatory High School
Creighton Student Health Center
Creighton University Medical Center
Cummins Central Power, LLC
Dentist, Dr. William A. Steiner
Dora?s Daycare
Douglas County Health Department
Druid Hill
Dundee Orthapedic Physical Therapy
Dundee Presbyterian Church
EHA Wellness
El Dorado
El museo latino
Elegant Beauty Salon
Emspace Group
ENCAP-Community action Partnership
Enclave Apartments
Endeveren Family Medicine
Esperanza de Vida Centro Comunitario
Estetica Daniela
Estetica Gelued
Faith Covenant Church
Family Connections, Inc.
Family Housing Advisory Services Inc
Family Medicine- 108th Ct.
Family Practice-120th and Elm
Farmers Insurance
Fe y Esperanza Church
First Central Congregational
First Christian Church
First Lutheran Church
First National Bank of Omaha
First Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Church
Fit in the City
Fortino?s Flowers
Fraternidad cristiana
Fuego pentecostes church
Fuente de vida
Fusion Medical Staffing
GIKK Ortho Specialists
Girls Scouts Spirit of Nebraska
Goodwill Industries, Inc
Great Plains Black History Museum
Greater New Hope Baptist Church
Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce
Hanscom Park United Methodist
Harolds Koffee House
Harrison Hills Apartments
Heartland Family Service
Heartland Family Service
Heartland Family Service
Heartland Family Service
Heartland Family Service Youth Links
Heartland Workers Center
Holmes and Munyon PC
Holy Cross Catholic Church
Home Instead, Inc.
Hope Presbyterian Church
Human Resources Association of the Midlands
Iglesia del Pueblo
Iglesia P. Jesus de Nazaret
Iglesia Rios De Alabanza Church
Immanuel Health Systems
Inspirational Church
Intercultural Senior Center ? ISC
Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance
Internal Medicine- 78th and Wakeley
Internal Medicine PC-Farnam St.
Internal Medicine Physicians PC #102
Interpublic Group (IPG)
Janes Health Market
Jewish Community Center of Omaha
J-N-J Grocery
Joe?s Cafe?
Juan Diego Center
Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O.
Kountze Memorial Church
Kubat Pharmacy
Las Nenas
Latino Center of the Midlands
Latinos Unidos
Leo A Daly
Lilys Beauty Salon
LingoDocs Marketing
London Square Apartments
Lord Of Host World Outreach
Lord Of Life Lutheran Church
Lord Of Love Lutheran Church
los Solecitos Home Daycare
Loui?s Tires
Luther Memorial Lutheran Church
Lutz & Company, PC
March of Dimes
Maria Bonita Mexican Cuisine
Marriott Global Sales
Mary Our Queen Church
Master Tune-up Specialists
Maximum Health Solutions
Mayita?s Daycare
MECA/Qwest Center
Messiah Lutheran Church
Methodist Family Practice-Regency
Methodist Health System
Methodist Hospital
Methodist Internal Medicine-Regency
Methodist Pediatrics-Regency
Methodist Women?s Hospital
Methodist-Hawthorne Ct
Metro Air Freight, Inc./ Distribution By Air
Midlands Choice
Midlands Testing Services, Inc.
Midlans Latino Community Development Corporation
Midwest Gastrointestinal Associates, P.C.
Millard Lumber, Inc.
Ministerios Tumba Vacia
Mis hijos Child Care
Montanez Tax Services
Monte Sinai Church
Morning Star Baptist Church
Mount Moriah Missionary? Baptist Church
Mount Nebo Missionary Baptist Church
Mujeres Activas
Multi-Options Systems, Inc
Mutual of Omaha
Mystical Infusions
Nebraska Center for Healthy Families
Nebraska Childrens Home Society
Nebraska Childrens Home Society
Nebraska Furniture Mart
Nebraska Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Nebraska Methodist College
New Beginning Baptist Communty Church
New Era Baptist State Convention of Nebraska, Inc.
New Life Colors Inc.
New Venture Brokers
Oakview Internal Medicine
Offwire, Inc.
Omaha Blue Waves
Omaha Children?s Clinic
Omaha Public Library
Omaha Public Power District
Omaha State Bank
Omaha Steaks
Omni Behavioral Health
Omni Behavioral Health Eating Disorder Clinic
Omni Behavioral Health Poppleton
Omni Behavioral Health Rockbrook
Omni Behavioral Health Westridge
One World Community Health Center
Open Door Mission
Optimum Fitness, Inc.
Oriental Trading Company
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Pacific Springs Assembly of God
Paleteria Y Neveria
Papa Chris Chicago Originals
Paradise Baptist Church
Payless Check Cashing / BancoMex
Pilgrim Baptist Church
Pilgrims Rest Baptist Church
Pleasant Green Baptist Church
Powers Chiropractic, P.C.
Prairie Hill Community Of Christ
Primary Home Health Care
Prince of Peace Baptist Church
RDG Planning and Design
Real Corp
restauracion con poder Church
Restauracion en Jesucristo Church
Risen Son Baptist Church
SAC Federal Credit Union Omaha-Metro
Salem Baptist Church
Salem Children?s Center
Salon Erisel
Security National Bank of Omaha
Sheppard?s Business Interiors
SilverStone Group
Simply Well, LLC
Skin Solutions
Smith Hayes Financial Services
SOS Goods & Services
South Omaha Arts Institute
South Seventh-day adventist church
Spring Tree Apartments
St Augustine?s Episcopal Chr
St Bernards Church
St Gerald?s Catholic Church
St Joan Of Arc Church
St Leo Roman Catholic Church
St Margaret Mary?s Church
St Paul Lutheran Church
St Paul United Methodist Chr
St Philip Neri Church
St. Mark Baptist Church
St. Matthews? Baptist Church
St. Michael?s Lutheran Church
St. Paul Lutheran Chruch
St. Thomas Lutheran Church
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
Steskal Chiropractic
Table Grace Ministries
Tachitos Daycare
Taqueria El Paisa
Ted E. Bear Hollow
Templo Canaan
Templo Victoria Church
Tenaska Inc.
The? Master Beauty Salon
The Basement
The Center for Human Nutrition
The Designers
The Jackson Apartments
The Nebraska Medical Center
The Tradition Apartments
Thomasville Apartments
Total Wellness
Touch Base Auto
Travel and Transport
Trinity Lutheran Church
Union Pacific Railroad
United Food & Commercial Workers Union
University of Nebraska at Omaha ? College of Health, Physical Education & Recreation
University of Nebraska at Omaha-Collge of Arts and Science
UNL Extension in Douglas & Sarpy Counties
UNMC Center for Reducing Health Disparities
UNMC Physicians ? Geriatric Medicine
UNMC Physicians- Bellevue Medical Center
UNMC Physicians- Ear Nose Throat/Oral Facial Prosthetics Durham Outpatient Center
UNMC Physicians- Eye Specialty
UNMC Physicians- Family Medicine Durham Outpatient Center
UNMC Physicians- Family Medicine- Eagle Run
UNMC Physicians- Human Resources
UNMC Physicians- Internal Medicine Durham Outpatient Center
UNMC Physicians- Internal Medicine Midtown Clinic
UNMC Physicians Neurological Sciences
UNMC Physicians- Olson Center for Women?s Health
UNMC Physicians- Orthopedics Durham Outpatient Center
UNMC Physicians- Pediatrics- Durahm Outpatient Center
UNMC Physicians- Plattsmouth
UNMC Physicians- Surgery and Urology Durham Outpatient Center
UNMC Physicians- The Heart Center Durham Outpatient Center
UNMC Physicians- Village Pointe Aesthetic Surgery and Dreams Spa
UNMC Physicians- Village Pointe Medical Center
UNMC Physicians-Baker Place
UNMC Physicians-Clarkson West Family Medicine
UNO Student Health Center
VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System
Valmont Industries
Vanguard Cleaning Services
Victory boxing club
Village Point Pediatrics
Visiting Nurse Association
Waddell & Reed, Inc.
Warren Distribution, Inc.
Water?s Edge
Western Douglas Chamber of Commerce
Westside Early Childhood Center Underwood Hills
Williams Family Practice
Willow Park Apartments
Willow Park South Apartments
Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society
World Fellowship Christian Center
Wycliffe Apartments
Xiomara?s Daycare
YMCA of Greater Omaha
Youth Emergency Services
Z Family Practice
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc
Zion Baptist Church

Click here to read information about our guest bloggers.

by Joanna Sutter

A new on-line web portal was unveiled during the 2011 Live Well Omaha Health Summit providing important data about the health of our community. This new resource combines the most current health, education, environment, economy, public safety, social environment, government & policies, and transportation with the latest news and best practices.

Health Matters in Douglas County, Nebraska can be found at and is sponsored by Live Well Omaha, Douglas County Health Department and three hospital systems, Alegent Health, Methodist and The Nebraska Medical Center.

The site provides:

  • A dashboard with more than 100 health and quality of life indicators that shows trends, and breaks down some of the data by county region gender, age and other factors.
  • More than 1,800 promising practices, which are programs proven to work around the nation, including contact information to make it easy to potentially discuss the practices further before adapting.
  • National news articles related to important topics updated three times a week
  • A link to other local reports
  • Up-to-date air quality data and several other features.

?One of the cool tools is a walking score,? said, Dr. Adi Pour, Douglas County Health Director. ?By putting in your home address it provides you a walking score between 0 ? 100, based on if you require a car or if you live in ?walker?s paradise? where daily errands can be done without a car.?? This has importance for community planners, Dr. Pour said, since research tells us that the average resident of a walkable neighborhood weighs 6 ? 10 pounds less than one who lives in a sprawling neighborhood.

The website is updated by the Healthy Communities Institute which was started by the University of California at Berkley. Local data and reports will be added to the website by Live Well Omaha and the Douglas County Health Department.

?At the end of the day, I am urging residents to use this portal as a platform from which to gain knowledge and simultaneously encourage action,? says Dr. Pour.? ?Informed residents are their own best health advocates and the best voices for a healthy community and more importantly, an engaged community becomes part of the solution to improve public health.?


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