Friday, September 21, 2012

A Ray of Hope

Every day until the election,?Slate?will offer up one reason to be optimistic for your candidate.

Today?s Good News for Romney:? A poll released today by the American Jewish Committee suggests that the chosen people?s love for Obama is eroding. Jews tend to veer Democratic, but only 69 percent of the Jews in Florida are prepared to vote for the incumbent. Seven out of 10 may sound like a lot, but it?s less than the 78 percent that went for Gore in 2000 or the 76 percent that supported Kerry in 2004. Most crucially, it?s also less than the 76 percent that turned out for Obama last election cycle.?

And the Sunshine State?s Jews will soon hear a new voice asking them to reconsider four more years. Starting tomorrow, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will appear on Florida TV stations in an ad sponsored (we think) by Romney fans. The Israeli prime minister will map the dangers of a nuclear Iran. Message: If he?s worried, you should be worried. Mazel tov, Mr. Romney.

See Mitt Romney?s good news from Day 48,?Day 49?and Day 50.


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