Wednesday, October 10, 2012

First Person: In New Hampshire, the A, B, C's of Choosing a President

FIRST PERSON | KEENE, N.H. -- I am a 40-year-old widowed mom, working as a part-time administrative assistant for a non-profit commission here in southern New Hampshire. I do not spend much time talking about politics at work, and most of my political conversations happen at home with my 17-year-old daughter.

When it comes to politics, she's a chip off the old block. I have had Democratic leanings since I was a teen, and she's following the same path. It has been interesting watching the political commercials, news, Comedy Central's mock news, and the debates with her.

She staunchly supports the president, fully aware that he hasn't done everything he said he would, but also knowing he was not given the kind of support he needed. She is also fully convinced that if the Republicans get control of the White House, our life, which is already difficult for us, will most likely get a lot worse. And her plans for college may also disappear right before her eyes.

As a national honors student with nearly straight A's, it would be so unfair for all that hard work to be for nothing if she is unable to get grants and college loans to pay for school. Listening to the Republicans leaves her seriously concerned for how she is going to be able to succeed in life without a solid college education.

Conversely, she hears President Barack Obama saying he wants to make college more affordable and accessible for students. He wants to find money to pay for more teachers, especially in areas she excels -- math and science. The president wants to see students going from college to jobs and is trying to pave the way by creating those job openings. For her, this is much more encouraging and gives her hope for the future. It is easy to guess which way she would be voting if she was able to vote in this election.

As her mother, I see things from much the same viewpoint. I want my daughter to have the things I did not have, like access to college and the ability to pay for it. Having a president who shares these views is important to me. His support of same-sex marriage, gays in the military, health care for everyone, tax reform, and banking reform are just a few of the other major issues that make me want to vote for him.


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