Thursday, June 21, 2012

Changing course for cancer - The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society ...

MDH_Pic.jpgSometimes life circumstances allow a change of course permitting us to refocus and do good things for good people.

When Haleigh was just 5 weeks old, she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia but after a bone marrow biopsy, we found out it was actually Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.

After five rounds of chemo, several rounds of infections and five months in the hospital, Haleigh went into remission. Haleigh, now a happy little girl, will be cancer-free five years in November.

Haleigh is not only my little miracle but an inspiration to my fianc? Derek Michel as well.

Wanting to do anything he could to help support Haleigh and patients like her, Derek turned a golf tournament that he and his brother started to reunite HS buddies into a fundraising event for LLS.

What developed was a letter donation campaign, an LLS booth set up at the tournament, solicitation of national and local sponsorships, raffles to raise funds, public relations with newspapers to spread the word for support, even a designated hole on the course so that players themselves could donate. Support is coming in along with five companies (and counting) donating pin prizes!

Derek and I love and admire Haleigh for what she has overcome. We feel honored to be able to give back to patients fighting blood cancers like Haleigh!!


- Megan Warren (Haleigh's Mom)


People like Megan, Derek and Haleigh inspire all of us to create new and selfless ways to support LLS.

LLS is funding lifesaving research as we make new discoveries everyday bringing us closer to cures for people just like Haleigh.

Wishing you the best of health,

John E. Walter

President & CEO

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