Sunday, May 20, 2012

The business of branding A Zillion Ideas and counting?


A guest blog by?Fairy Dharawat

Here we discuss why you should brand your product, even if you have small business.

According to Wikipedia, ?A brand is a ?Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller?s goods or service as distinct from those of other sellers?. The brand was derived from the Old Norse word ?brandr? meaning ?to burn.?

The brand is like the personality of product. Products have the brand mark on their packaging, just like an individual having a tattoo. Relating to a brand personifies the individual personality. This is very important for brands. The brand is the identity of the product. Like Marvel and DC; they are the brands of so many comic book heroes.

There are many home based products that have become big only because they branded themselves. Let?s take the example of home based cookies. Grandma?s recipes, this is a brand. Here you create, pickles, cookies, ice creams, chocolates; anything and everything. With this there will always be that aura of warm home made cooking by your grandma. See the influence? The name has that magic. In today?s world of impressions, when anyone takes up your product, they need to be impressed by some element which will influence them in future. This impression is subconsciously created in their minds. It is registered in their minds, which is very important. It?s the little things that make a difference; this is what brands do. They make one belong to a category. The aura that Louis Vuitton has is one of high class elegance. This is what the user of the brand is projecting by using the product; this is what the business person should keep in mind. Business people should also keep in mind the questions; like below:

? What segment of market you are looking at?

? How do you want to be perceived ?

? What influence are you planning to make?

No matter how small your business is, answering these questions will make you realise the importance of an identification requirement. If you can create an interesting logo with the brand name, then that is a really good combination.

Now comes the part of actually naming your baby business. Let me give you a glimpse of how I handle this naming convention. First, let us see what is the requirement for a good brand name? A name should be distinctive, easy to pronounce and meaningful.

I have come up with some examples of naming new brands. What do you think?

A new brand name in the UK is Kinky Knickers and it?s certainly memorable. The new product is now being stocked by most well known stores and that is largely down to a good brand name (to match a quality product).?

Okay now let?s tick the boxes, is it distinctive: check, is it easy to pronounce: check, meaningful: check.

So this style is very helpful and this is just a glimpse of many unique and extraordinary names one can come up with. I could give more examples, but it is better we come back to the topic.

Branding your business is no easy task, but it is important anyway. A man may go on about his identity issues, but for growth purposes, it?s only the identity which will help give the man a strong personality. The same applies for any business. Any business needs to have an identity in order grow and flourish.

If you are a simple newspaper vendor and your vendor name is abc, then introduce a weekly subscription of abc weekly. It could also be your ?name? weekly/monthly/quarterly, ?your name? weekly, where you can cover anything and everything you want. This product will reiterate you as the brand. You are no longer the simple newspaper vendor, but one with your own magazine or a tabloid. A little promotion in your humble vendor store will help you create a promising brand; this is what is also known as branding, introducing new products under the same wing. Brand works in number of ways. Introducing a new product can also re-establish a brand.

The conclusion of today?s post is to create a brand name. Simply manufacturing products with a weak name and hardly any promotion can kill a possible great business. Promotion can only be generated when we have a strong identity, strong brand. Create a brand name if you want to stand out. Identity is very important part of business and the only way that some one will know about you is if you have a brand name and interesting one at that.

A lot of thought went into the brand name, ?A Zillion Ideas? ( Mike)????? Smile with tongue out

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