Monday, December 31, 2012

Military autopsies: What new findings reveal about heart disease

Newer research shows U.S. servicemen who were autopsied showed signs of heart disease that researchers say highlights an ongoing need to help prevent the disease, beginning early in life. The surprise is that even 27 year olds were found tohave severe coronary heart disease.

The finding, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), December 26, 2012, found an 8.5% prevalence of coronary artery disease in servicemen autopsied between 2001 and 2011.

The study, conducted by Bryant J. Webber, M.D., of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md., and colleagues included all U.S. service members who died of combat or unintentional injuries in support of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom/New Dawn.

Severe heart disease found in young service members

The researchers classified heart disease findings as mild, moderate or severe. Severe coronary atherosclerosis was present in 2.3 percent of service members; moderate in 4.7 percent, and minimal in 1.5 percent.

Severe atherosclerosis was defined as 50% or more narrowing of the arteries that supply blood flow to the heart.

As expected, high blood pressure and cholesterol in addition to obesity was associated with a higher prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD).

Other factors linked to heart disease among service members whose average age was just 26 included lower education level and higher body mass index upon entrance into the military.

Even though the findings show heart disease prevalence is on the decline compared to what was discovered from military service member studies from the Korean and Viet Nam wars, there is still a need for further improvement.

Prevention of coronary artery disease has to start early

The authors write: "Military and civilian health care systems should continue to help patients reduce their cardiovascular risk factors, beginning in childhood and continuing throughout adult life. Despite remarkable progress in prevention and treatment, cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States and other developed nations, and even small improvements in the prevalence of smoking and other risk factors may reduce death rates further and prolong healthy lives."

Studies show children can develop risk factors for heart disease as early as age 5. One such finding showed 5 to 17 year olds have at least one risk factor for coronary artery disease. One of the largest risks cited is increased rates of childhood obesity.

In 2011, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests children receive at least one cholesterol screening blood test before age 21 in recommendations that also drew some criticism.

They also recommended if dietary and lifestyle changes fail to lower lipid levels after six months, children over age 10 should be placed on statin drugs ? anti-cholesterol prescription medications.

Weight loss, smoking cessation, consuming a Mediterranean or primarily plant based diet with plenty of fresh food, avoiding excess salt, keeping stress levels manageable (perhaps by changing your perspective) and regular daily physical activity are all known and proven interventions for the whole family that can ensure a longer and healthier life.

Heart disease leads to major disability, produces a heavy financial burden on our health care system and on individuals and leads to the need for medications that can have adverse side effects and are also costly.

What you can do

It?s also important to know you really can reverse existing coronary artery disease. Dean Ornish who is a pioneer has a program that ? only if you?re serious ? can help turn your life around. His program is proven to reverse even severe forms of coronary heart disease without drugs or surgery.

You might even consider the Ornish diet, which was ranked #1 by U.S. News & World Report for the past two years. His program is offered at hospitals throughout the U.S. and is covered by Medicare.

The autopsy finding from young service member autopsies supports the notion that heart disease is a progressive disease that starts in childhood and highlights the need for strong public health messages that can curb the incidence of heart attack, stroke and other types of cardiovascular disease that kills 600,000 people in the United States each year. The good news is it's possible to reverse heart disease and plenty of tools to tap into if you're motivated.

JAMA. 2012;308(24):2624-2625


Journal of Pediatrics

Preventive Medicine Research Institute

Image credit: Morguefile


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BMWK's Top 10 Relationship Articles of 2012 | Black and Married ...

As we roll full steam into 2013 we want to take a moment to reflect on the top ten articles that we ran over the past year. These articles have helped countless singles, wives and husbands gain a better understanding of how to?navigate?relationships?and marriage. Below you?ll find our top ten articles of 2012 based on popularity. After you check each one out let us know which is your favorite.

1)?Preparing To Become A Wife: 10 Tips For Single Women


Most women have an idea of what age they will be when Mr. Right asks her to spend the rest of her life with him. She has the colors picked out, the ideal season, the wedding party and even the guest list! To many women, the wedding day is the turning point in her life that will lead to her happily ever after. Many of us have focused (let?s be honest) so much time and thought on the wedding and the marriage that we have never spent enough time and energy on the most important part??preparing to become a wife!

As a woman involved in a courtship, I have obtained the counsel of women that have been married for 10+ years. I ask two questions that I believe will help prepare me to be the best wife that I can be. The first question is, ?What are some things that you wish you would have done to prepare for marriage differently??? The other question is, ?What advice would you give that would help me to be the wife that God calls women to be??? I have received great wisdom and advice from Godly women who have been married for close to 40 years! I would like to share that advice with other single women.

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2)?5 Types Of Men Who Make Great Husbands


In my line of work, I meet a lot of great husbands and the wives who adore them. Over time, it?s not hard to pick up on a pattern among these men ?? especially when I chat with other wives about why they chose the men they?ve married and what qualities in their husbands have most shaped their marriage. For all those single women out there who often wonder what type of man they should marry, or how they will know if he?s The One they?re meant to spend forever with, this list is 100-percent for you. It has been prepared with love and careful consideration. It?s based on my own personal experience as a wife, those of the many wives I?ve encountered throughout my career as a Weddings and Relationships Editor, and the observations I?ve made about the great husbands I?ve met or bumped into over the years. It doesn?t have all the answers, but I promise you, it will at least have some of those you seek. Read on, ladies.

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3) Preparing To Become A Husband ? 10 Tips For Single Men


Last week?s article, ?Preparing To Become A Wife 10 Tips For Single Women, gave great tips for wives-to-be and inspired me to sit down and write out my thoughts on being a great husband. In no way am I proclaiming perfection in any of these areas, but like any relationship you have to work hard on the positives in order to become an ideal partner.

Prior to my marriage I would?ve never been able to construct a list like this and I hope my experiences can influence someone to develop positive habits prior to saying ?I do.?

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4)?20 Questions To Ask A Potential Spouse


Now that I have a daughter, I can see myself questioning her male friends when they come to the house to date her. When I was a teenager, I didn?t like it when my dad and brothers did it, and I am sure my daughter will be embarrassed when her father and I subject her dates to similar scrutiny. But 20 questions shouldn?t end once she matures into adulthood and can date whomever she chooses. As my single friends testify, ?You have to be careful these days because there is so much stuff going around.?? And this isn?t just from a woman?s perspective. Men need to be careful too. Asking 20 questions doesn?t sound so weird or embarrassing when your health, sanity, and livelihood are at stake.

So, here are 20 questions to ask a potential spouse. These are just suggestions, and by no means should all of them be asked on a first date. If a question doesn?t feel right to you, then don?t ask it. Or, just replace it with one that is not on the list. The point is to get singles who desire to be married to think carefully about what?s important to them and then to have open communication about these issuesbefore marriage. There are plenty of married and divorced people who wish they had asked the tough questions before saying ?I do.??

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5)?10 Things Grown Women Shouldn?t Do ? Part One


I turned 26 a month or so ago. And now that I?m closer to 30 than I am to 20, I?m feeling some kind of way about the behaviors I exhibit and my reactions to every day events. Somehow I feel like I?m supposed to be wiser, calmer, more she?s-got-her-life-together than I really am. Some days I wake up and I?m like, ?Crap, I?m an adult? Like, really? Wasn?t I just leaving the spring dance in a huff after having yet another argument with my high school boyfriend???

And guess what? I?m 26 and the madness hasn?t been worked out. But I guess now I?m ?wise?? enough to know that the madness won?t ever be worked out. This is just life.

But going along with my 26th birthday, I told myself I would write a post, something for me to look back on as I turn 30, and then 35 and then 40, to see how my womanhood journey was going. Here?s what I got so far:

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6)?4 Must-Have Conversations Before You Get Married


A while back I did an interview where I mentioned that you needed to have a plan before going into a marriage. They asked me to elaborate and I went into a few things but wanted to talk about it more here. Some people I?ve talked to that are experiencing real relationships problems seem to have those issues due to lack of a clear plan up front. You know the old saying, ?If you fail to plan, you can plan to fail??.

When you enter into a relationship with that other person ? you?re coming from two different backgrounds, two different histories and two totally different points of view. Before your heart takes you away you need to sit down and have a discussion to make sure the plan you have is the same one or similar to what they are thinking. Here are a few things I think you should talk about with your plan:

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7)?7 Things Your Spouse Needs To Hear (More Often)


In some marriages, although the positive outweighs the negative, what is most often highlighted and discussed is the negative. It is easy to focus on socks left on the bathroom floor, a dirty dish in the living room or even our partner?s failure to communicate as often or as effective as we would like. Yes, all of the items above could drive a person crazy if repeated too often and should absolutely be addressed. However, in the midst of those few bad behaviors, there are quite a few characteristics that sometimes go unnoticed, which if mentioned more often, would not only uplift our spouse, but also improve the health of a marriage.

Whether married or single, people normally respond positively to words and actions that build them up, rather than complaints and those that tear them down. Part of being in a committed partnership is knowing our mate. We are aware of what makes them feel good and boosts their ego. There are specific words that our spouses must hear frequently. If you are not sure, allow me to share a few:

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8)?You Won?t Be Married Long If You?


Most of the married couples in my family get married and (the most important part) they stay married. I?ve got more than a handful of 30-year-plus marriages to draw inspiration and lessons from. Here are some of the best lessons I?ve learned from watching these marriages up close:

You won?t be married long if you?

?decide you will only care as much as your spouse cares. Marriage requires us to be selfless. And this can be scary, I?ll admit. This requires a vulnerability that can unnerve even the most loving spouse.

?decide that being introspective is a waste of time.?Marriage is a partnership. Each person is supposed to bring their best to the relationship for the benefit of all. Problems erupt once the blame for everything (lackluster sex life, piss-poor attempts at quality time, upside finances, etc) get pushed onto your spouse. Acknowledging the role that you play in certain situations is crucial to a marriage that is balanced and fair.

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9)?The #1 Reason That Couples Get Divorced


Since launching in December 2007, we?ve talked to thousands of couples in one form or another. We?ve communicated via email and Facebook. We?ve also met couples and singles face to face at our film screenings. When the topic of divorce comes up (and yes it comes up often from those who have faced divorce or have overcome it) I see a common pattern.

If more couples knew what the primary cause for divorce was (from my observation), then I think they could avoid it. ? I know that you may be thinking that the primary cause for divorce is infidelity, communication, ? or financial issues. ? But it isn?t. The #1 reason that I see marriages failing is because one or both members of the marriage refuses to do what?s required to?keep the relationship together.

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10)?Another Type of Sex to Add to Your List

I?m sure you?ve heard of make-up sex, honeymoon sex, morning sex, and lunch break sex. But have you heard of after-worship sex? Yes, you read it correctly.?After-worship sex.

I didn?t make it up. God did.

As I?ve written before in??The Blessing of Marital Sex,? God wants husbands and wives to experience ultimate pleasure with each other. Sex is a gift that should be opened and used regularly. And, because it?s done in the context of holy matrimony, as opposed to a non-covenant relationship, God blesses it.

Worship blesses a couple?s sex life, too. For some women, seeing their husbands pray, preach, or praise God just does something to them. I?ve been told, and experienced for myself, wanting to make love more, feeling more attracted and free. I?m not sure if it is the same for men, but there is a definite connection between worship and sex. Sounds weird, doesn?t it? ? That?s what I thought until I read God?s word for myself. Check out 1 Samuel 1:19.

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About the author

Lamar Tyler is co-creator He also is the co-producer of the films Happily Ever After: A Positive Image of Black Marriage, You Saved Me, Men Ain?t Boys and Still Standing.


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95% The Central Park Five

All Critics (58) | Top Critics (25) | Fresh (55) | Rotten (3)

Expect your blood pressure to rise during The Central Park Five.

The doc is rife with smart or wrenching or shameful moments. The fresh interviews with the accused, now men, are invaluable.

As grim a portrait of the criminal justice system as can be imagined.

How could this second crime have occurred? The film asks that question but only partly answers it, and in the process it raises an even more troubling one.

"The Central Park Five" is worth seeing, both for the ways it's timeless and for the ways it encapsulates an era.

What's amazing about listening to them speak now, often through tears, is the absence of bitterness.

Puts the crime and the times in sharp perspective.

Burns and company conduct a thorough, riveting investigation that does a far better job of assessing the tragedy than the justice system did two decades before. Of course, hindsight is an advantage we all take for granted.

It's a gripping story that comes in a well-crafted package.

A heartbreaking expose' about a rush to judgment which ruined five, innocent young lives.

Exclusive interviews with former heads of Israel's counter terrorism agency reveal insiders' analysis about the country's policies. Fascinating. Frightening.

"The Central Park Five" is a sobering indictment of racism and vigilante justice, yet it is constrained by a PBS-style deference to the very system it critiques.

You can't help but wonder why this film wasn't made 20 years ago, when it could have saved these men some time behind bars.

What keeps the film from being an impossible downer is the guts and spirit and smart words of the Central Park Five, four of whom, now freed, are interviewed at length.

A miscarriage of justice on this scale would have been tragic had it resulted from an honest mistake - but, as this meticulously researched movie makes clear, honesty had little to do with it.

The [documentary] team builds a solid story from the time of the crime through the release from prison those wrongly accused and railroaded into confessing to a crime they did not commit.

The result is both compelling and infuriating.

The Central Park Five provides background drawn from contemporary media images, including crime scene footage accompanied by a detective's grisly description, as well as reflections by those involved.

Not only gripping and heartbreaking, but terrifying.

No quotes approved yet for The Central Park Five. Logged in users can submit quotes.


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Sports fans will remember 2012

Lance Armstrong?s fall from grace after giving up his battle against doping charges is just one reason the 2012 year in sports will live in infamy. Armstrong was stripped of all seven of his Tour de France victories.Enlarge photo

Peter Dejong/Associated Press file photo

Lance Armstrong?s fall from grace after giving up his battle against doping charges is just one reason the 2012 year in sports will live in infamy. Armstrong was stripped of all seven of his Tour de France victories.

Peter Dejong/Associated Press file photo

Lance Armstrong?s fall from grace after giving up his battle against doping charges is just one reason the 2012 year in sports will live in infamy. Armstrong was stripped of all seven of his Tour de France victories.

Jerry Sandusky will spend the rest of his life in prison, Penn State football played under NCAA sanctions, and Joe Paterno passed away.

Lance Armstrong abandoned his fight against doping allegations. Roger Clemens won his court battle, despite lingering skepticism over whether he used steroids. The impact of early-stage dementia forced Pat Summitt to step down from her coaching perch.

Again and again, it seemed, the sports world in 2012 saw the end of long tales with tragic or, at best, bittersweet endings.

And in so many cases, off-the-field news overshadowed what happened on it:

In State College, Pa., where the Sandusky mess at Penn State destroyed lives and radically changed the face of a proud football program.

In Washington, where Clemens emerged from court a winner, after a mistrial the first time around on charges he lied to Congress about performance-enhancing drug use.

In Kansas City, Mo., where Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher shot and killed his girlfriend, then drove to the team?s facility in the Arrowhead Stadium complex, thanked his coach and general manager and turned the gun on himself.

In Austin, Texas, where the news broke that Armstrong decided to give up his long fight against doping charges, saying ?enough is enough? but acknowledging no wrongdoing. The move began the cyclist?s swift fall from his spot as cancer-fighting sports hero in the public eye. And though he maintains he was victimized by a ?witch hunt,? Armstrong still was stripped of all seven of his Tour de France victories.

?We must create a culture in which people are not afraid to speak up, management is not compartmentalized, all are expected to demonstrate the highest ethical standards and the operating policy is open, collegial and collaborative,? Penn State President Rodney Erickson said the day the NCAA levied massive sanctions against the Nittany Lions including a four-year postseason ban.

Erickson was speaking of his own school.

But in 2012, at least some of those lessons could have applied to any number of topics.

Sure, there were amazing moments to remember and savor. Michael Phelps became the most decorated Olympian in history, adding to his enormous swimming haul with six more medals at the London Games, where the United States topped the winning charts once again. Usain Bolt became the first man to win the 100- and 200-meter dashes at consecutive Olympics, Eli Manning and the New York Giants reigned supreme in the NFL, San Francisco stormed its way to the World Series title, the Los Angeles Kings hoisted the Stanley Cup (no telling if any other team will anytime soon), and LeBron James and the Miami Heat silenced doubters by winning the NBA title.

Yet in a year like this, such times of achievement and triumph seemed few and far between.

Take March 21, for example. That was the day when Tim Tebow was traded by Denver to the New York Jets, a huge story simply for the Tebowmania factor ? and one that wasn?t even the biggest in the NFL that day, not with the announcement that New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton would serve a yearlong suspension for his role in the bounty scandal.

Try August 15, when baseball got to experience a rarity ? Felix Hernandez pitching the first perfect game in Seattle Mariners? history ? and an all-too-common occurrence, that being someone testing positive for something, in this case San Francisco?s Melky Cabrera basically forfeiting any shot at the MVP or the NL batting title by being suspended 50 games following a positive test for testosterone.

Or Oct. 10, when Raul Ibanez showed off a flair for the dramatic ? twice ? by hitting tying and winning home runs as the New York Yankees beat the Baltimore Orioles 3-2 to take a 2-1 lead in the AL Division Series, an enormous moment by any measure. Of course, those blasts came on the same day that the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency released a report in which Armstrong was portrayed as the leader of the ?most professionalized and successful doping program that sport has ever seen.?

As stunning as Armstrong?s fall was, what went on at Penn State continued to dominate the sports lexicon.

Sandusky was arrested in November 2011, but resolution didn?t really begin until 2012 ? part of why the case was voted the top sports story of the year by The Associated Press, based on balloting by U.S. editors and news directors.

The longtime Penn State defensive coordinator was convicted of 45 counts of abuse involving 10 boys, and later sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison, which means Sandusky likely is to die behind bars.

Paterno succumbed to lung cancer in January, and a statue of his likeness outside Beaver Stadium was removed six months later, one day before the NCAA announced a $60 million fine and four years of scholarship reductions. Still to come: civil suits brought by Sandusky?s victims and the trials of former school administrators accused of neglecting their duty to report allegations.

Clemens? legacy doesn?t seem to resonate the same way with sports fans. It?s almost like his courtroom win was one that many did not expect to see happen, and it may be his last big victory for a while. Clemens ? the only seven-time Cy Young Award winner ? is on the Hall of Fame ballot for the first time this year, and a recent survey of voters by the AP shows that he likely will fall well short of the number of votes necessary for induction in 2013.

Clemens was accused by former personal trainer Brian McNamee in the Mitchell Report on drugs in baseball of using steroids and HGH, allegations Clemens denied before Congress. Eventually, after a Justice Department investigation looked into whether Clemens lied under oath, a grand jury indicted him on two counts of perjury, three counts of making false statements and one count of obstructing Congress.

He was acquitted of all the charges on June 19 after a 10-week trial.

?I?m very thankful,? Clemens said. ?It?s been a hard five years.?

Armstrong?s fight lasted even longer than that.

The testicular-cancer survivor won the Tour de France seven times, all while dogged by the he-must-be-cheating stigma.

Armstrong never was caught by a drug test but rather ultimately was done in largely by the words of his former teammates. Armstrong continues to deny doping but simply said his fight had gone on long enough.

Giving up has come with a price. Armstrong cut ties to his well-known charity, Livestrong, and longtime sponsor Nike ? among other corporations ? cut ties with him.

And as for Summitt, one of the greatest names in coaching, her last loss was against an invisible opponent.

Summitt stepped down as Tennessee?s coach in April, a few months after revealing she has been diagnosed with early onset dementia. Summitt led Tennessee to eight national titles in her 38-year tenure.

She won 1,098 Division I games along the way.

?It?s never a good time,? Summitt said. ?But you have to find the time that you think is the right time, and that is now.?

Still, the year wasn?t gloom and doom for everyone, not by a long shot.

Alabama got a chance to avenge a loss to LSU and win college football?s national championship, the second for the Tide in three years. The Tide again will be back in the BCS title game in January, against rising and surprising Notre Dame.

Miguel Cabrera of the Detroit Tigers became baseball?s first Triple Crown winner in 45 years. The Kings put together a stunning run through the Stanley Cup playoffs, the last celebratory moment the NHL got to enjoy before more labor strife led to a lockout. Baylor went 40-0 for the NCAA women?s basketball title, while Kentucky returned to the top of the men?s game. And the Giants (New York) and Giants (San Francisco) more than lived up to their names, in championship fashion.

But if there was one happy ending among all those the drawn-out sagas of this sports year, it was the year James had with the Heat.

Miami won the NBA title, beating Oklahoma City in five games for the franchise?s second title and the first for James, who left Cleveland for the Heat two years earlier for moments such as that. He won the league?s MVP award. He won the NBA Finals MVP award. He even helped the Americans win another basketball gold medal at the London Olympics.

After all he went through ? from hero to villain, revered to pariah for his infamous ?Decision? ? James found a way to shake it off and complete his quest.

?It?s a year I know I?m never going to forget,? James said.

Thing is, in so many cases in 2012, it isn?t for the right reasons.


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Snowstorm disrupts hundreds of Northeast flights

A fast-moving storm heads to New England where it is predicted to dump 6-10 inches of snow overnight into Sunday morning. The Weather Channel's Julie Martin reports.

By Miguel Llanos, NBC News

Several hundred flights were canceled and several thousand delayed by midday Saturday as a storm moved into the Northeast that's expected to dump several inches of snow on big cities and up to a foot in other areas.

Most of the flight disruptions were at the Boston and New York area airports, according to the tracker service By 4:25 p.m. ET, it had counted 446 flights canceled so far Saturday across the country, and nearly 5,600 delayed.

New York City could see 3 to 5 inches, as well as hazardous driving conditions from the short-lived storm, reported.

The brunt of the storm was likely to hit southern New England, according to NBC meteorologist Dylan Dreyer. "It's from Boston back into Rhode Island where we'll see the heaviest of the snow," she said on TODAY.

Weather Channel meteorologist Mike Seidel, speaking on MSNBC, called the storm a "quick hitter" that nonetheless was having an impact on air travel before it clears out Saturday night.

The Weather Channel's Mike Seidel has more on what residents in the Northeast can expect to see as a winter weather system moves through the region.

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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Vikings RB Peterson finishes 9 yards shy of record

Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson, left, runs from Green Bay Packers cornerback Tramon Williams during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Genevieve Ross)

Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson, left, runs from Green Bay Packers cornerback Tramon Williams during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Genevieve Ross)

Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson, center, runs from Green Bay Packers defenders B.J. Raji (90), Ryan Pickett and Dezman Moses, right, during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson (28) runs from Green Bay Packers inside linebacker Brad Jones (59) during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Genevieve Ross)

Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson, left, tries to break a tackle by Green Bay Packers free safety M.D. Jennings, right, during the second half of an NFL football game Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)

Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson catches a two-yard touchdown pass during the second half of an NFL football game against the Green Bay Packers Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Genevieve Ross)

(AP) ? Adrian Peterson's remarkable comeback season now has a magic number to punctuate it.

Peterson became the seventh player to rush for 2,000 yards in a season, plowing through the Green Bay Packers for a 20-yard gain that put him over the top in the third quarter Sunday. He finished with 199 yards and a touchdown in the 37-34 victory, leaving him nine yards shy of breaking Eric Dickerson's single-season record.

Peterson needed 208 yards when the day began to break Dickerson's record of 2,105 yards set in 1984. His 26-yard run late in the fourth quarter set up Blair Walsh's winning field goal, a kick that clinched a playoff berth for the Vikings. He'll have to settle for the second-best total ? 2,097 yards ? and a trip to Lambeau Field for a playoff rematch next week.

"Ultimately we got the 'W,'" Peterson said after carrying the ball a career-high 34 times. "We said during the week, if it happens, it happens. Don't focus on it."

Peterson came in 102 yards shy of joining O.J. Simpson, Dickerson, Barry Sanders, Terrell Davis, Jamal Lewis and Chris Johnson in the 2,000-yard club. Peterson is the only one to do it after reconstructive knee surgery.

The Vikings punted a few plays after Peterson's big run, and the crowd gave him a standing ovation when the achievement was announced. Peterson took it all in stride, waving politely, but otherwise not making anything special out of it in a game the Vikings needed to win to make the playoffs. He simply didn't have time to reflect on the long, arduous path it took for him to get there after tearing the ACL in his left knee.

It was only last December when Peterson crumpled to the turf in Washington, two ligaments torn, leaving many to wonder if his career would ever be the same.

Well, it hasn't been.

Peterson vowed from the very beginning to return better than ever from an injury that has ended the careers of so many before him. There weren't many believers, including in his own locker room.

But a combination of uncommon genetics, unshakable determination and a smart rehabilitation plan from Vikings athletic trainer Eric Sugarman had Peterson back in the starting lineup on opening day.

Peterson scored two touchdowns in the opener, but didn't top 100 yards in a game until Week 4 when he went for 102 against the Lions. As the season went on, the scar tissue in his knee started to break up and Peterson took off like a purple rocket.

His cuts are sharper, his vision better and his patience is making the difference between a 4-yard plunge through the line and a 40-yard dash down the sideline.

He went on a breathtaking eight-game run, amassing 1,313 yards and topping 200 yards twice in four games to vault into the MVP discussion and make 2,000 yards a possibility.

When asked this week to describe his running style in one word, Peterson replied: "Vicious."

That certainly sums it up.

He got off to a fast start with 61 yards and a touchdown on the first two drives, hearing chants of "MVP! MVP!" just before he surged into the end zone for a 7-yard score and a 10-0 Vikings lead. He also had runs of 12 and 21 yards early to get the Vikings going in this win-and-they're-in game.

The Vikings have followed Peterson's lead in what most observers expected to be a rebuilding year. Peterson has carried the offense on his broad shoulders, turning the Vikings into a throwback attack that relies almost exclusively on the run for its big plays.

With second-year quarterback Christian Ponder going through some highs and lows, and the Vikings missing top receiver Percy Harvin with an ankle injury, the passing offense has ranked last in the league. Peterson is averaging more yards per rush than Ponder does per pass and his seven rushes of 50 yards tied him with Sanders in 1997 for the NFL record.

All the while, Peterson has said he'd take the first postseason berth in three years over 2,000 yards any day. But it was no secret that the individual achievement was important to him.

Unlike baseball, the NFL has few numbers that immediately grab the public's attention. One of those is 2,000 yards, especially in this new pass-happy league. Peterson entered the game with 1,898 yards, more than 400 better than Seattle's Marshawn Lynch, who was in second place.

"I definitely want to keep the running backs highlighted," Peterson said this week. "It's started to turn into more of a spread, quarterback-friendly NFL. But just keep letting them know that there are going to be running backs that can do this."


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China extends control over internet; now requires users to register ...

In this file photo, a Chinese man uses a computer at an Internet cafe in Beijing. China?s new communist leaders are increasing already tight controls on Internet use and electronic publishing following a spate of embarrassing online reports about official abuses. (Ng Han Guan /AP)

The Associated Press

China?s government tightened Internet controls Friday with approval of a law that requires users to register their names after a flood of online complaints about official abuses rattled Communist Party leaders.

Authorities say the law will strengthen protections for personal information. But it also is likely to curtail the Internet?s status as a forum to complain about the government or publicize corruption.

?Their intention is very clear: It is to take back that bit of space for public opinion, that freedom of speech hundreds of millions of Chinese Internet users have strived for,? said Murong Xuecun, a prominent Chinese writer.

The rules approved by China?s national legislature highlight the chronic tension between the ruling Communist Party?s desire to reap technology?s benefits and its insistence on controlling information.

Beijing encourages Web use for business and education but tries to block material deemed subversive or obscene. It has steadily stepped up censorship, especially after social media played a role in protests that brought down governments in Egypt and Tunisia.

The latest measure requires users to provide their real names and other identifying information when they register with access providers or post information publicly.

?This is needed for the healthy development of the Internet,? said Li Fei, deputy director of the legislature?s Legal Work Committee, at a news conference.

Li rejected complaints that the public will be deprived of a forum that has been used to expose misconduct.

?The country?s constitution protects citizens? rights in supervising and criticizing the state and government officials? behavior,? Li said.

The measure comes amid reports that Beijing might be disrupting use of software that allows Web surfers to see sites abroad that are blocked by its extensive filters.

At the same time, regulators have proposed rules that would bar foreign companies from distributing books, news, music and other material online in China.

The government has given no indication how it will deal with the technical challenge of registering the more than 500 million Chinese who use the Internet.

Microblog operators, two of which say they have more than 300 million users each, were ordered last year to confirm the identities of users but acknowledge they have yet to complete that task.

The main ruling party newspaper, People?s Daily, has called weeks for tighter Internet controls, saying rumors spread online have harmed the public.

The secretive ruling party is uneasy about the public?s eagerness to discuss politics and sensitive issues online despite threats of punishment.

In March, authorities scrambled to squelch online rumors about a possible coup amid a political crisis that led to the downfall of a prominent party figure, Bo Xilai, ahead of the party?s fall leadership transition. A dozen websites were closed and six people detained.

This week, 70 prominent Chinese scholars and lawyers circulated an online petition this week appealing for free speech, independent courts and for the ruling party to encourage private enterprise.

Communist leaders who see the Internet as a promising source of economic growth were slow to enforce the same level of control they impose on movies, books and other media, apparently for fear of hurting e-commerce and other fledgling online businesses.

Until recently, Web surfers could post anonymous comments online or on microblogs.

That gave ordinary Chinese a unique opportunity to express themselves to a public audience in a society where newspapers, television and other media all are state-controlled. Some of the most popular microbloggers have millions of readers.

It also made the Internet a clearinghouse for accusations of official misconduct.

A local party official in China?s southwest was fired in November after scenes from a videotape of him having sex with a young woman spread quickly on websites.

Web surfers can circumvent filters by using virtual private networks ? encryption software that is used by companies for financial data and other sensitive information. But VPN users say disruptions began in 2011 and are increasing, suggesting regulators are trying to block encrypted traffic.


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Sun News Tragic fate of Nigerian artistes


Died wretched, buried with a million naira casket is the saga of a rich fool in a home video entitled, Died Wretched. The flick produced by one of Nollywood?s pioneer producers, Chief Kenneth Nnebue of NEK Videos captures the folly of a young but rich man who watched his uncle and mentor die in penury but turned around to throw a lavish funeral for him.

The above scenario has been the lot of many Nigerian artistes who often die in poverty after giving all they have to their fatherland. Many actors, most especially, the veterans seem to suffer this fate. Legendary playwright, William Shakespeare in his classic, Macbeth describes this set of people, as ?poor players who strut and fret their hours upon the stage, and were heard no more?. This is pitiable because these actors toil to put smiles on the faces of Nigerians but at the end of the day, have little to show for it. In a country where corruption thrives, the inspirational line in the national anthem that says, ?the labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain? is inconsequential. The case of top actor, Enebeli Elebuwa of ?Andrew must check out? fame brings to mind how a nation dumps her heroes when they are needed most.

Here was an actor who inspired patriotism by urging Nigerians to stay back home and salvage the country only to be devoured by the very system he laboured to preserve. Although, ?Andrew? refused to check out in his prime, cruel fate eventually showed him the exit door. For several months, Elebuwa was bedridden and incapacitated by stroke in Lagos. In spite of several appeals for financial assistance to enable the ailing actor seek better treatment overseas; help was not forthcoming.

His continued battle with the debilitating ailment took him to the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, from where he was eventually flown to India where he died a few weeks ago. Elebuwa?s death was a culmination of a nation?s insensitivity to the plight of her patriots. Another sad story of a country?s penchant for trifling with the lives of its heroes was that of late James Iroha aka Gringory of the rested TV comedy series, the New Masquerade. Early in the year, Iroha, 71, died in his village, Amaokwe Item in Bende Local Government Area of Abia State after repeated calls for financial assistance were unheeded by government.

His demise only reaffirmed that members of the creative community have become endangered species in contemporary Nigeria. Iroha, who created and directed the TV drama that ran for several years on national television, incidentally was the third among the major cast to pay the supreme price lately. Before then, Claudius Eke, (Jegede Sokoya) and his cantankerous wife, Apena (Christy Essien Igbokwe), died in 2006 and 2011 respectively. While Eke died of chronic diabetes, the acclaimed lady of songs passed away after a brief illness.

Even though, the likes of Iroha, Christy Essien-Igbokwe, Sam Loco Efe and Wale Ogunyemi were decorated with national honours, the awards did not put food on their tables. Chief Chika Okpalla popularly known as Chief Zebrudaya Okoroigwe Nwogbo alias 4.30, also of the New Masquerade fame, a garrulous individual, famous for his clumsy grammar, in his appraisal of his national honour once told The Sun in an interview: ?I?m MON without the EY?. The tragic fate of some of Nigeria?s creative talents brings to the fore some nagging questions: What are the lives of Nigerian artistes actually worth? Are they only good for airport receptions, entertainment of guests at social functions, and after that heard no more? TS Weekend recalls the sordid tales of some stars of yesteryears who died in distress.

They include Joe Layode aka Mr. Garuba of the Village Headmaster fame, Wale Ogunyemi, renowned playwright and dramatist, James Iroha aka Gringory, veteran actor, Sam Loco-Efe, actress, Remi Abiola, Laide Adewale, Francis Agu, and Pati Obasi among others.


James Iroha (Gringory) Shortly before his death in February this year, James Iroha had sent a save-our-soul to Nigerians over his health and financial conditions. The newspapers were awash with stories of his deteriorating health and his inability to pay his medical bills. At the time, the 1966 graduate of the University of Ibadan was visually impaired. He needed to undergo operations for glaucoma affliction but help did not come. Iroha, who alongside Clarus (who is also currently visually impaired) entertained Nigerians with their roles as clumsy house-helps in Chief Zebrudaya?s house in The New Masquerade, was denied help by Nigerians. In spite of his many cries, nobody cared a hoot. He once told reporters:??There?s nothing between poverty and I; I?m nose-to-nose with poverty?.? Iroha eventually died unsung in his hometown, Item, Abia State. Claudius Eke (Jegede Sokoya) As if the New Masquerade cast were plagued by despicable fate, Iroha?s acolyte and support cast in the popular TV series, Eke, succumbed to chronic diabetes some years back. Like his compatriot, Eke was literally living from hand to mouth in his later years. Following the resting the New Masquerade, which gave him fame without cash, Eke?s calls for help when he took ill got no response until his death.

Joe Layode (Garuba) Until his death on December 9, 2006, at 78, Joe Layode aka Garuba of the Village Headmaster fame ruled the airwaves like a colossus in the ?70s and ?80s. However,?at his old age, the garrulous no-nonsense teacher in Oja Primary School was a recluse. He was holed up in his flat in Iba Housing Estate where he lived with one of his daughters. Although, he told this reporter during an encounter that he engaged in script writing and rendered consultancy services to younger artistes, the jobs were inadequate to put food on his table. In order to put body and soul together, Garuba joined the home video bandwagon, which saw him featuring in flicks like King of Money, Oracle, and Sango. From all indications, Layode was embittered by the nation he once gave his all.?He hardly interacted with neighbours and if he had cause to go out, he did that under the cover of darkness.

He would not even open his door for journalists if only to underscore his resentment for the society and its people. Layode finally gave up the ghost in December 2006 and was buried without fanfare. Wale Ogunyemi (MON) Award-winning playwright and actor, Wale Ogunyemi broke into television in the ?70s with plays like The Vow, Are Akogun (a Yoruba adaptation of William Shakespeare?s Macbeth) (1969), Ijaye War (1970), Kiriji War, and The Divorce (1977). Ogunyemi, who was born in Igbajo, Osun State in 1939, will always be remembered for writing Langbodo, Nigeria?s drama entry for FECTAC 77.?At the time he appeared in Professor Wole Soyinka?s King Baabu, little did he know that his ailing health could not sustain a world tour of the political drama. He took ill shortly after and died on December 2001 after a brief illness. He was 62.

Sam Loco

Efe Sam Loco shot into the limelight way back in 1977 when he played the lead role, Akaraogun, in Wale Ogunyemi?s Langbodo. Renowned theatre scholar and director, Professor Dapo Adelugba, directed the drama. The performance was adjudged the best during the festival. Although, Sam was listed in Nigeria?s Movie Hall of Fame and bagged a national award, but typical of such honours, they lack financial backing. Sam Loco-Efe,?who died at 69, only breathed the air of financial freedom with the boom of Nollywood. But what measure of success could be ascribed to a composite artiste who for four decades bestrode Nigeria?s entertainment landscape like a colossus? Sam Loco?s fame and popularity not withstanding, he died a struggling man last year. He was shooting a film in Owerri, Imo State when he slumped and died in a hotel room. Harry Mosco The death of pop legend, Harry Mosco on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 in Egypt where he was receiving treatment for an undisclosed ailment came on the heels of the demise of James Iroha.

Meanwhile, his passage differed slightly from those of his colleagues considering the circumstances. Although, distraught at the latter part of his life, Mosco who led the wave-making Funkies Band in the ?70s and ?80s, was heart-broken when his heartthrob, Edugie dumped him for renowned politician and businessman, Arthur Nzeribe. The musician never recovered from the shock as he was literally pronounced dead long before his death.

However, his career had started witnessing a downturn by the time the politician came into the picture. Deserted and lonely, Mosco?s life came crashing when he could not send his kids to school which left him with no option than to allow his estranged wife take custody of the children. He was reportedly shattered by the trend of events such that attempts to re-launch his music career failed.?The Sugarcane Baby and Country Boy singer, who was resident in Akute, a border community between Lagos and?Ogun States, fell ill before help came through his son who flew him to Cairo, Egypt, for treatment where he died. Remi Abiola Her name gave her away as one of the many wives of the business mogul,?the late Chief M.K.O Abiola.

She was a popular face in the Yoruba genre of Nollywood, notably for her motherly roles. The mother of one who lived in Jakande Estate, Ipaja, Lagos State, before she relocated to the United States in 2008 reportedly died of lung cancer on July 29, of the following year. She was aged 56. Perhaps, if Nigeria had smiled on the talented actress, she wouldn?t have relocated to the US at the time she did. Abiola had to square up to the challenges of settling down to a new life as an immigrant, which compelled her to take up a menial job. She was at work when she slumped and went into coma. The actress was rushed to the hospital but she did not make it.

Francis Agu Prior to his death on March 20, 2007, Francis Agu, a suave actor, belonged to the first generation of Nollywood actors who made their marks in the industry. He, alongside the likes Kanayo O. Kanayo (KOK), Kenneth Okonkwo, Charles Okafor, and Bob-Manuel Udokwu?featured in Living In Bondage, the chart buster movie produced by Chief Kenneth Nnebue in the early 1990s. Before then, he was a popular face on Checkmate, a famous sit-com produced by Amaka Igwe also in the early 1990s. Agu suddenly disappeared from the scene at the turn the century only for his fans to learn about his ailing health later. Initially, he was hospitalised in Uyo, the Akwa Ibom State capital. Unfortunately, his health condition did not attract any noise such as to attract financial assistance for better medical treatment.

By the time he was transferred to the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) in 2006, his condition had worsened. With little financial aid forthcoming, the actor eventually passed away in 2007.

Pati Obasi Remember him? Pati Obasi of the Mammy Water fame. For sometime the gospel singer has been down with renal failure without help coming from nowhere. He passed away last month in Enugu and he?s yet to be buried. Davies Ofor and James Uche It is not enough to roll out the drums after these stars are gone when much can be done while they are alive. Iroha?s screen partner, Davies Ofor (Clarus) has been blind for 10 years in Aba, Abia State. Another?actor, Prince James Uche, has been bedridden for more than a year also in Abia State. Isn?t it time for the Abia State government and public-spirited Nigerians to come to their aid and save their lives?


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Is 32 too old to still live at home?

If you have a good job, making good money still living at home shows you fear living alone and being independent. Is your Mother indigent? Are your Father's life insurance and other death benefit not enough for your Mom to be self sustaining financially without you? If the house is too much, it's time to down size to something more affordable so she can live comfortable and you can be an independent adult.

What I see in this situation is, you being your Mom companion until she dies, which could be many, many years from now and with that you'll find yourself isolated, unmarried and no family. And then the resentment will set in and you'll find yourself a unhappy old woman.

Granted the economy has many moving back home because they can't afford housing or don't have the jobs to afford housing depending on where one lives.

You have to figure out what you want for YOUR life. You have been living your life FOR your parents - now Mom - which leaves you with no life of your own. Do you want to have a man in your life? Do you want to get married? Have children? You certainly can't do that living with Mom. Newlywed couples can't have their parents as a part of their marriage as it will cause issues. If you truly need to take care of your indigent Mother, you have her in an assisted living facility or her own apartment where you can watch over her, yet have your own space and own life.

This is what you have to figure out; what YOU want from life and when you expect to start living it too.

- Response by msadvise, A Thinker, Female, 46-55, Transportation

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Friday, December 28, 2012

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Jackson to step down as Obama's environmental chief

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency chief Lisa Jackson, who spearheaded the Obama administration's crackdown on carbon emissions, said on Thursday that she will be stepping down after almost four years of battles with Republicans and big industry over her proposed regulations.

Under her leadership, the agency declared for the first time that carbon dioxide was a danger to human health and could be regulated under the Clean Air Act, leading the EPA to develop a new regulatory regime to limit carbon emissions.

But many environmental activists felt that measures to address climate change by the Obama administration were too timid, and it is unclear if that will change in the president's second term, regardless of who succeeds Jackson.

Leading the list of potential replacements are Bob Perciasepe, the current deputy EPA administrator, who will take over the agency on an interim basis; and Kathleen McGinty, a former head of Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Protection and a prot?g? of former U.S. Vice President Al Gore.

Also said to be in the mix are Gina McCarthy, the EPA's assistant administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation; and Mary Nichols, chair of the California Air Resources Board.

Jackson's departure was not a surprise. Analysts had not expected her to stay for President Barack Obama's second term.

She had faced withering attacks from industry groups and Republicans, who hauled her in for numerous hearings in Congress, as well as some pushback from within the Obama administration.

Obama thanked Jackson for her service, praising her work on mercury pollution limits, fighting climate change and helping set new fuel economy standards for vehicles.

"Under her leadership, the EPA has taken sensible and important steps to protect the air we breathe and the water we drink," Obama said in a statement.

Jackson, 50, is expected to leave the EPA after Obama's State of the Union address in early 2013. The post of EPA administrator is a Cabinet-level job.

The administration is expected to face a tough fight to get any potential nominee, and especially one seen as being in the mold of Jackson, confirmed by the Senate.

Jackson is the first major energy policy official to step aside since Obama's re-election last month. There has been speculation that the similarly embattled Energy Secretary Steven Chu, a Nobel prize winning physicist, may not stick around for Obama's second term. Ken Salazar, the U.S. Interior Secretary, may also depart.


Jackson's years at the agency were marked by some bruising encounters with Republican lawmakers, who accused her of orchestrating massive government overreach that they said was choking U.S. economic growth.

Republican lawmakers passed numerous bills aimed at undoing Jackson's regulations. None of these measures were signed into law, but the White House did begin to pull back or delay rules in the face of the relentless onslaught.

For example, Obama's decision in 2011 to delay rules to restrict emissions of smog-forming chemicals from power plants led to speculation that Jackson would step down at that time in response to the setback.

"From an energy and consumer perspective, it has to be said that the Jackson EPA presided over some of the most expensive and controversial rules in agency history," said Scott Segal, director of the Electric Reliability Coordinating Council, which lobbied against many of the EPA's proposed regulations.

States and governors have also fought Jackson's rules in the courts. In a major win for opponents, a U.S. appeals court in August overturned the EPA's Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, aimed at reducing harmful emissions from coal-burning power plants.

In a statement, Jackson, the first black administrator of the 17,000-strong EPA, said she was "confident the (EPA) ship is sailing in the right direction."

While tensions ran high with industry, Jackson's tenure has been hailed by many environmentalists and public health advocates, who say she leaves a legacy of cleaner air.

"Administrator Jackson has been one of the most effective leaders in the history of the Environmental Protection Agency," Larry Schweiger, president of the National Wildlife Federation.

Reports in recent weeks have suggested that Jackson, a chemical engineer by training, might be under consideration for the post of president of Princeton University in New Jersey.

Media reports also indicate that the one-time chief of staff to former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine might be mulling a run for governor in that state.

Despite her contentious dealings with Congress, Jackson maintained a surprisingly cordial relationship with one of her biggest critics, Senator Jim Inhofe. She even kept a photo of the Oklahoma Republican and his grandchildren in her office.

"Lisa Jackson and I disagreed on many issues and regulations while she headed the EPA, however, I have always appreciated her receptivity to my concerns, her accessibility and her honesty," said Inhofe, who has called climate change a hoax, chided the Obama administration for a "far left green agenda" and vigorously opposed carbon regulations.

Inhofe said Jackson's departure offers the White House the chance to appoint someone "who appreciates the needs of our economy."


A self-described pragmatist, Jackson passionately fought to limit air pollution. She often described her two sons' struggles with asthma when discussing the importance of clean air.

Jackson also rejected her critics' complaints that stronger environmental rules were incompatible with a robust economy.

When broad climate change legislation sputtered in Congress in 2010, the EPA became the White House's main vehicle for addressing carbon emissions.

Since then the agency has finalized rules outlining restrictions on carbon emissions for new power plants, effectively prohibiting the construction of new coal-fired plants without carbon-capture and storage technology.

"Her successor will inherit an unfinished agenda that begins with the issuance of new health protections against carbon pollution from existing power plants - the largest remaining driver of climate change that needs to be controlled," said Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council.

The EPA will also have a major role in the federal response to the shale oil and gas boom. The agency's study of the booming but controversial drilling practice of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is due out in 2014.

Most regulation of fracking has fallen to the states, but the EPA has said it plans to propose standards on wastewater from gas wells by 2014 and is considering rules that would require more disclosure about the chemicals used in fracking.

(Additional reporting by Valerie Volcovici and Roberta Rampton; Editing by Ros Krasny, Will Dunham and Mohammad Zargham)


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Night Not To Remember

Emily Yoffe. Emily Yoffe

Photograph by Teresa Castracane.

Get Dear Prudence delivered to your inbox each week; click here to sign up. Please send your questions for publication to (Questions may be edited.)

Got a burning question for Prudie? She'll be online at to chat with readers each Monday at noon. The next chat will be held on Jan. 7 of the new year.

Dear Prudence,
I'm a 23-year-old professional woman living with a close friend. A few months ago, we were out with a big group and everyone was drinking. My roommate was very drunk and ended up having sex with a guy I work with who was also extremely drunk. The next day, they woke up together, but neither of them remembered how they ended up there. She was very upset because she didn't remember consenting to sex. I believe they were both too intoxicated to consent, but I also don't think that he took advantage of her. Since then he and I have become good friends. Recently, I mentioned to my roommate that he?ll be at an upcoming party. She freaked out, forbade me from saying his name, and went on a tirade about how she couldn?t go and that I shouldn't either. I don?t blame her for being upset, but I don't think it's fair to blame him. He and his roommate overlap many of our social circles, so she?s definitely going to run into him. I think that she should go to therapy, to try and work through what happened to her. But I'm not sure how to say that, or if it's even appropriate. Please help!

Dear Bottle,
Finally, a letter that convinces me that my frequently stated stance against drunkenness is wrong and that I?ve been too censorious. I can now appreciate that excessive alcohol intake is just a delightful social (and sexual) lubricant. Getting so hammered that you don?t know what you?re doing enables you wake up in mysterious locales and have intimate adventures with people whose names you haven?t quite committed to memory! I know a case can be made that because your friend was intoxicated she was unable to give consent, therefore she was raped. Some will argue she should pursue this case legally. But if the story is as you say?two young people voluntarily had too much to drink and were too much in the bag to make a rational decision about how to consummate the evening?I think seeing herself as a victim would keep your friend psychologically stuck, and turning the guy over to the police would have the potential to unnecessarily ruin his life. Imagine watching a remake of Knocked Up in which the Seth Rogen character ends up on the sex offender registry. Your friend's unfortunate one-night stand should help her realize she needs to learn the difference between taking the edge off and ending up in a walking blackout, and how to stay on the right side of that line. I think your friend needs to see a therapist, not to explore the wrong that was done to her, but to help her process this regretted evening and get her to the point where she can comfortably be in this guy?s presence. You should say that as her friend you?ve become concerned that she hasn?t gotten past this event and that it?s affecting her enjoyment of life. Tell her that you think some focused therapy will help her regain her composure and confidence.

Dear Prudence,
I have a dear friend who has two children the same age my as mine. Our older children never clicked, but our younger ones are best buddies. My friend's older child, a 13-year-old, has some behavioral issues. The child is very bright, but has a terrible temper and says awful things to my friend and the younger sibling, some of which I've heard. He?s broken things and made threatening comments. My friend is getting him help (therapy, medication, etc.), but I?m concerned about allowing my younger one to play over there. Frankly, I'm afraid of what the older child might say or do and he scares me. My friend has mentioned having my younger one for a sleepover on a few occasions, but I'm not comfortable. Should I just keep inviting hers to play at our home? My friend knows something's up, but neither one of us has addressed it. I know it?s difficult dealing with a child with these issues, and I don't want to add to her stress or risk damaging our friendship.

Dear Mum,
In light of the horror of Newtown, many more people are going to be looking warily at hostile, troubled kids. It?s really important to keep in mind that very few of these children are truly threatening. They cause agony for themselves and their families, but they rarely become violent. Your friend has been dealing with a heartbreaking situation for years and deserves your kindness and support. But as close as you are, apparently she has not confided in you about her concerns over her older child, so I think you should follow her lead. You have to trust your instincts. Her 13-year-old has made disturbing comments and you just aren?t comfortable leaving your younger child around him. That?s fair enough. So you just need to keep countering her sleepover offers by saying you?d rather host. If she asks you point blank what?s up, say that you know she is doing everything possible to help her older one deal with his temper, but for now you think it?s easier to let the little ones play at your house. Tell her how much you admire how she?s handled this difficult situation. Let?s hope all these kids, and their families, find more resources to get the help they need.

Dear Prudence,
I'm a cute-enough, slim-figured marathoner and academic who will be turning 35 in January. Before I reach my birthday, as is the case every year, I will have figured out a socially acceptable way to spend New Year's. But as of late, I?ve had an unexpectedly acute onset of night sobbing, loss of sleep, and have been isolating myself from discussions that involve weddings or kids. I feel like I need to get used to the idea that I might not ever have children or a companion. Although I'd like to find someone, I've lost interest in being set up by friends and getting gussied up to go out. I've done 15 years of it. This impending birthday has me stuck and terrorized. Every solution I come up with just makes me feel more isolated. Help.


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While you're mostly having to deal with overuse injury in combining your entire home loan given it fee a large amount of fascination fees, mortgage refinancing house loan forces you to decrease excessive income so that you can make an investment in different places which can help get hold of extra money. There are a variety banks using Missouri may possibly giving a very refinance loan because personal loans are often also task these corporations superior. Previously these people enough sleep . you can actually mortgaged us dollars as the people today started to be sharpened to numerous difficulties however, this time with all the loan refinancing breaks there's claiming back their consisting of improve income. If you want to uncover the fact property finance loan solutions making use of Mo who offer you preferential loan loan refinancing consumer credit then simply just just seek out on the web so that you will determine these those. In spite, previous to finalizing a visit terms, speaking with a large proportion of home mortgage firms and discover what gift incorporates unparalleled collection if so buy regardless that includes having the loan. The state of hawaii Missouri is located in the chief Midwestern part of the Place.
Limited-expression Loans no Credit Check ?? Quick Cash Irrespective of Bad Credit Report Although you may use a bad credit background small credit ratings, don't concern yourself with regards to the funds you have to handle some vital bills before your following payday. You can take a look at the option of limited-name loans no credit check that are wood out specifically your plight. These loans are accepted right away plus the loan merchants often cable the loan amount of money as part of your traditional bank savings account within round the clock. Your bad credit history of developing replicated past due bills towards outdated loans and defaulting on repayments or getting CCJs and defaults within your title is not a problem in asking for in the hard cash for emergency.


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